Produce by Takeshi

Weight loss -November 4, 2020-

 Do you think you are in good shape? I have a lot of friends who want to lose weight because it's not good for their body type. I often see advertisements on the Internet and TV ads for diet supplements with the phrase "lose weight and have fun". I assure you, those are all lies. Or the disadvantages are present. Fat is something that is stored in the body to maintain metabolism. So the only way to do this is to improve your metabolism or reduce the amount you store. Since storing fat in the body is a function of the human body, blocking this function with drugs is not good for the body. There will always be physical problems.
 Many people want to lose weight for fun. At the same time, they do not want to suppress their appetite. You can easily suppress your appetite by changing the way you eat. For example, high-protein foods, spicy foods, and hot foods are easy to fill up on. It is also a good idea to eat a vegetable-based diet, as you can't make fat as long as you don't eat fat and sugar. However, if you think you don't want to exercise at all, it's dangerous. This is because animals are designed to be exercised in the process of acquiring food. Not exercising at all is contrary to the way animals are. People need at least an hour of exercise during the week.
 I believe that working out is the best investment you can make in your body. It makes you less likely to gain weight, increases your strength and stabilizes your physical condition. If you have all these benefits and you don't want to do it, you're not taking care of yourself. The only person who can save you is you. I wish people all over the world could take care of themselves.