Produce by Takeshi

Harmful animals -August 25, 2020-

 I live in an old house that is over 60 years old. It's made of wood, but it's sore and tattered here and there. There are always rats living in these houses. I have a problem with them because they cause all sorts of problems. They cut holes in the walls, chew through the wiring, spread feces all over the place, and do whatever they want. The most annoying thing is the noise, and when they run around in the middle of the night they are so annoying that I can't sleep. So I researched and practiced various extermination methods. First, I tried sprinkling poisonous bait, but it didn't have much effect because they spit it out immediately. Next, I tried sprinkling chewing gum. Humans don't have a problem even if they eat chewing gum. But rats are small enough to cause indigestion and die. I thought this method would work well. However, this was also a failure because they could hardly eat chewing gum. Now I set a strong glue trap on the floor and finally caught two of them. However, the noise in the ceiling still does not stop. I tried many other things, but the noise has finally stopped recently. We often see dead rats around the house, probably because they have eaten the poisonous bait we have scattered so much.
 We had a lot of trouble, but we didn't need to rush the outcome. How about you? Are you in a hurry to seek answers? Sometimes it doesn't work if you don't take the time. Yes, if the person you're dealing with is a living thing.