Produce by Takeshi

Health and Self-Defense -July 31, 2020-

 I believe that health is the most important thing. For example, if I'm watching my favorite movie and I get a headache or a stomach ache, I won't be able to enjoy it. I think the same is true for the things we like to do, the places we like to be, and the people we like to be with, not just the movies. So, I think that to neglect your health is to be unhappy.
 So what can we do to be healthy? I believe that evidence is the most important thing. There are many theories about health, but many of them have no scientific or statistical basis. The same is true of the recent "new coronavirus". People are encouraged to wear masks when going out, but the virus is smaller than the mesh of the mask, so it is not very effective. In the first place, masks are worn by infected people to prevent droplet transmission to others. It is ridiculous to require healthy people to wear masks as well.I believe that immunity is the most important countermeasure against the new coronavirus. The percentage of people who become seriously ill with coronavirus increases with age. This is correlated with a decline in the human immune system. In addition, people who died from the new coronavirus tended to be more likely to have a weakened immune system, such as those who were being treated with anticancer drugs, heavy smokers and obese people. The new coronaviruses change so quickly that antibodies stop working after one season. Even if antibodies are formed, they diminish in a few months, so no clear treatment has yet been found. In the end, the only way to control the symptoms is through symptomatic treatment. This shows the importance of strengthening the immune system on a regular basis.
 Viruses are evolving every day. It has even surpassed the evolution of human medical technology. When you can no longer rely on medical technology, the only thing that can protect you is your body. There is no one else to rely on. I encourage all people to research and think about what is important to their health before taking action.